Randack Fasteners India proud to announce for implementation of different Management Systems & Certifications.
Certificate of CPR 045-CPR-2308
Certificate of ISO 14001:2015
Certificate of ISO 45001:2018
RANDACK FASTENERS INDIA is an Aerospace Specification of EN9100:2018 Certified Company.
Accreditation for U Certificate as per DASt 021
RANDACK FASTENERS INDIA is proud to announce an approved source to Supply German Railways for successful achievement of qualification for Deutche Bahn.
RANDACK FASTENERS INDIA is approved for (TPG) Transportation & Power Generation Accreditation Program in Non Destructive testing. This Certificate I granted & awarded by the authority of the This certificate is granted and awarded by the authority of the Transportation and Power Generation
RANDACK FASTENERS INDIA is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company.
Randack Fasteners India successfully completed accreditation for CE products as per Construction Products Regulation (CPR) -EU/305/2011
Randack Fasteners India successfully completed accreditation for CE products as per Construction Products Regulation (CPR) -EU/305/2011
RFI NABL certificate
Randack Fasteners India is licensed to apply Delta MKS System as per CQI-12
Transportation and Power (HT) Certificate