Randack Fasteners India was promoted in technical collaboration with Randack Spezialschrauben, Germany, a pioneer in the field of specialised fasteners. Randack Fasteners India is an exemplary theme of India's ability to match contemporary and world-class manufacturing practices & meet the highly critical requirements of Indian and global supply chains. RANDACK FASTENERS INDIA is an AS 9100:2018 & ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. RANDACK FASTENERS INDIA is engaged in manufacturing & exporting a wide range of High Tensile Fasteners and also customized fasteners.
RANDACK FASTENERS INDIA manufactures products using quality raw materials & advanced technology to maintain High-Quality Standards. We lead the industry in delivering on customer needs & building competitive advantages for our customers. Having started the business with the production of high tensile fasteners for the Wind Industry, today RFI is one of the renowned & leading fastener manufacturing Companies for Wind turbines. With the advantages of our expertise & business opportunities, RFI gained ground in the high-tech sectors such as Hydro power generation, Diesel Engines, MarinEngines, Oil and gas, Pumps and valves, Construction heavy equipment, solar Power & others requiring tailor-made fastening systems.
*Establishment of Randack Fasteners India
*ISO 9001 Certification completed
*Installation of Zn Flake - Doerken coating Line
*Doerken license received
* Developed Foundation bolt
* Tower bolt
* 1st Forging press installed
*Entry into Hydro Power sector
*EHS Certified 14001
*OHSAS 18001
*NABL Accreditation for in-house material testing Lab ISO 17025
* Aerospace Management system - EN9100 certified.
* Certified for TPG certificate for NDT from PRI
* Added Machining , forging , Rolling capacity to increase the manufacturing capability.
* Dip spin coating line installed for small components
*Added Chemical scope in NABL accreditation.
* Installed inhouse Heat Treatment facility
* Auto Nut manufacturing line installed
*Added Metallography scope in NABL accreditation.
* Accredited for CE products as per CPR - EU / 305 / 2011
* Approved for German Railway (Deutsche Bahn) Certified
* Added 300MT Universal Testing machine (UTM) for mechanical testing
* Torque tension testing machine upto M64 installed
*Accredited for U Marking as per DASt-02
*TPG certified for Heat Treatment Faclity by PRI
* New Manufacturing Facility Started near by area (Bhare Location as a Unit II)
* Thermal Zinc spary facility installed
* Black Round bar peeling facility
*APQP specialist Certified
*Unit II certifed for ISO 9001, ISo 14001 & ISO 45001
*Increasing Forging Capacity by Installing New Forgging Presses up to 600 MT
*Continuous HT Line
*BIS Certified
smartest team
happy customers
Repeat customers
work Completed